Public Relations Committee

Monday, October 10, 2005

Public Relations Committee Meeting

The Public Relations (PR) committee will be holding its first meeting on Wednesday October 12th at 4:30pm in the PV Office, Room 313 Student Center Building. The committee is headed up by Brittany Adams. If anyone is interested in joining the committee but you cannot attend the meeting please contact Brittany at A description of the committee is listed below.

Public Relations Committee: Will be made up of general PV members who will help with advertising and marketing programs and events hosted by PV. This could include creating and booking showcases, creating and distributing flyers, booking lit tables, creating banners, ordering PV swag and distributing it, booking library screen savers, helping out with a table at Fall and Winter Student Organization Day, talking to the marketing coordinator in DOSO about marketing plans for projects, etc. Committee members are expected to attend projects and help out with fundraisers if available, and work shifts at information tables, attend all committee meetings organized by the PR Chair, and attend PV General Meetings.